中史 English 科學 生物 倫理與宗教 音樂 歷史 物理 電腦 視覺藝術 設計與科技 數學 化學 經濟 體育 科技與生活 普通話 中國文學 企業、會計與財務概論 中國語文 公民與社會發展科 地理 生活與社會科

Curriculum Objectives



The aims of the Department are to enable students to use English as a communicative tool in their daily life and to lift their language competencies to not only handle the requirements of HKDSE but also can develop life skills that promote positive values and attitudes. The Department also aims to provide an English-rich environment where students and teachers feel comfortable using the language in and out of the classroom and where students develop an interest for the language.


  • to increase students’ proficiency for personal and intellectual development, effective social interaction, further study, vocational training, work and pleasure;
  • to broaden students’ knowledge, understanding and experience of various cultures, global issues through language and non-language arts;
  • develop learning how to learn skills and positive values and attitudes conducive to meeting the needs of our rapidly changing knowledge-based society.
  • to give students a platform to demonstrate, realize and enhance generic skills such as collaborating with others, communication their ideas, creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, self-management skills, I.T. and study skills.

For lower form students, the main goal is on foundation-building and language skills enhancement. Students mainly focus on vocabulary, grammar and speaking as well as extensive reading. Ample spelling, listening, speaking and English Club activities are provided to reduce students’ fear in foreign language learning and cultivate their interest in using English as their daily language.

For higher form students, the main goal is to help students to hone their exam tackling skills in HKDSE, so students can master the skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking. Grammar will be revisited and exam papers are drilled and thoroughly analyzed. More reading and writing assessments are assigned to give them more practices on reading skills and writing in different genres. Students are also encouraged to take part in more external English learning activities and competitions to further expose themselves to the authentic use of English.

Reference: https://www.edb.gov.hk/en/curriculum-development/kla/eng-edu/curriculum-documents.html