中史 English 科學 生物 倫理與宗教 音樂 歷史 物理 電腦 視覺藝術 設計與科技 數學 化學 經濟 體育 科技與生活 普通話 中國文學 企業、會計與財務概論 中國語文 公民與社會發展科 地理 生活與社會科

English e-Learning Platforms


To encourage students from S1 to S3 to use Wiseman EB and improve their English and general knowledge, the school and the platform have set an award scheme for all EB students. 7 students were awarded because of their outstanding performance and diligence. In 2020-2021, the awardees are Tin Kar Ying (1A), Fung Kit Yung (1B), Zheng Jiarong (1B), Poon Fong Wah (1C), Wong Sze Yu (1D), Sin Pak Sun (1D), and Li Chun Chung (2D).


1) Scholastic Learning Zone (English e-Library)


Introduction video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRzyio8y7o4

User guide: https://youtu.be/OxBUJKKl4xo


2) Wiseman (S.1 – S.3 EB, S.4 – S.6 e-DSE, DSE*, DSE**)
